Healthcare Administrators Gain Valuable Insights: Members Benefit from Virtual-First Approach to Primary Care
Click here to schedule an exclusive demo of Recuro’s Virtual Primary Care (VPC) solution! This will be hosted by Recuro’s attending sales team during the annual Health Care Administrators Association (HCAA) Executive Forum on February 20-23 in Las Vegas.
“Virtual-first” Primary Care Provides a Meaningful Solution
Virtual care continues to transform traditional healthcare from a reactive, disease-focused model to a proactive, holistic system that is digitally integrated, patient-centric and focused on personalized and preventative health and wellness.
“We are seeing more focus on “virtual-first” to address significant healthcare challenges while also driving value throughout the healthcare ecosystem,” says Quinn Pearl, Senior Vice President of Sales at Recuro. “By connecting patients with providers through a virtual-first approach to primary care, it is proving to be a meaningful solution that positively impacts the triad of cost, quality and access to care.”
Getting members involved in the health plan at a lower cost strategy and introducing opportunities to treat chronic disease more proactively are the goals. These are the tenets of what Recuro delivers and strives to achieve in serving plan administrators, employers and employees.
As employers seek quality healthcare and cost predictability, they are embracing a direct contracting strategy that includes robust financial incentives to manage the cost of care for all stakeholders – always focused on driving better clinical outcomes for patients. This is an optimal approach to establishing a one-to-one relationship between a provider group or primary care provider network and a self-funded employer that assumes the financial risk and responsibility of paying their employees’ medical claims.
Recuro understands and appreciates the importance of direct contracting, and its solution is essentially a direct contract at much lower costs.
Easy, Convenient Access to a Virtual PCP
Recuro’s VPC offering provides members with easy and convenient access to a top primary care physician (PCP) of their choosing, one who can stay connected to the individual patient and is dedicated to understanding personal needs and preferences. VPC serves an important generational healthcare need as studies claim one in three millennials do not have a relationship with a PCP and are less likely to seek preventative care on a regular basis
The designated physician can provide routine health and wellness screenings and preventative care along the patient’s healthcare journey – and refer members to the appropriate specialists Members also get access to a comprehensive risk assessment that covers physical and behavioral health treatments. 10% of Recuro PCPs are Spanish speaking, and the entire network has access to multilingual services which can be accessed from the portal during a consultation. Best of all, members receive 24/7 urgent care access included in our primary care solution.
Recuro Provides Virtual-First Value
Recuro’s virtual first approach engages the members at a lower cost while ensuring access to quality care – including preventive care to treat chronic disease on the front end and more proactive member engagement.
Administrators embrace the Recuro narrow network which is isolated from traditional health plan networks and will remain with the employer regardless of any changes in the major medical network. This puts administrators in control: changing networks is never an issue since members will not be forced to identify a new primary care physician and reestablish a personal, dedicated relationship. Further impacting costs, the Recuro network runs outside of hospital owned primary care practices, allowing for guidance that steers members towards higher performing services.
These value points translate in cost savings which are an essential ingredient of self-funded medical claims. This is where Recuro shines: our relationships with multiple managing general underwriters (MGUs) and stop-loss carriers are embedded into our virtual primary care (VPC) programs and made available to our partners to utilize in their proposals to self-funded organizations.
Recuro takes this a step further by scaling the Direct Primary Care (DPC) approach and incentivizing employees by waiving the copay when the member access care at the contracted DPC or VPC provider. When the member holds fast to access care from a primary care provider that’s owned by the hospital, there is a copay – as high as $150.
Employers are learning that they can really drive savings by breaking through the hospital-owned system. Pearl sums it up: “Administrators can better serve their members by reinforcing the fact that as soon as an employee goes to a primary care practice owned by the hospital, they are probably going to be referred back to the hospital for expensive testing such as an MRI, CT or PET scan. This is how the hospital drives up the employer’s cost, with additional testing in the hospital care setting just loading up additional claims and expenses. This is not sustainable for the employer and administrators are encouraged to make every effort to provide this guidance to employees.”
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